Archlinux Essay Series: sudo


Furthermore, it's unsafe to expose root frequently. For another reason, entering and exiting super user mode is a little bit annoyous. That's why sudo comes to make thing smoother.
Step one: install it

pacman -S sudo

Step two: configure user

First, back up it.

cp /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.bak

Second, edit it.


Add a line in the User priviledge specification section after about line 70.

jeffrey ALL=(ALL) ALL

Last but not least, back up it again.

cp /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.cur

That's it. From now on, just preceed administrative commands with sudo and enter your own password, you're running it as a super user temporarily, after which you're who you are again.
Note that we have to use visudo command in order to change /etc/sudoers. Normal vi /etc/sudoers won't work.
Note that the first time you use sudo, rules are reminded with words more or less like what we've said above.
Note that in the installation process we have to be either a root login or in su mode. After the installation, we have one more choise. That is: preceeding with sudo.
Note that when preceeding commands with sudo tab-completion won't function. It's easy to fix. Just edit .bashrc with back up scheme in mind.

vim ~/.bashrc

Add following.

complete -cf sudo
Category: OS | Tags: | Read Count: 758
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